Cursos en ART. 19 Prevention of Occupational Risks
Train the worker in the general and specific risks of the work program, providing him with knowledge for the prevention of accidents and malalties professionals
Trunk part:
- Introduction of basic and specific legislation regarding health and safety.
- Drets and deures of the businessman and the worker.
- Health surveillance.
- Risc greu i imminent. Danys professionals.
- Rain prevention techniques (mechanical, physical, biological, chemical, psychosocial risks).
- Emergencies and first aid.
- Individual protection equipment. - Senyalització.
Specific part:
Risks related to security:
- Fall of people to mateix levell.
- Fall of materials and objects due to collapse.
- Atrapments, talls and cops.
- Electrical risks.
- Risk of fire.
Hygienic risks:
- Exposure to chemical agents.
- Exposure to biological agents.
Ergonomic cliffs:
- Musculoskeletal cliffs. Causal elements.
- Perllongated bipedestació. Sedestació perllongada.
- Risks derived from the treball with data display screens.
Psychosocial risks:
- Psychosocial factors, psychosocial risk factors and psychosocial risks.
- Conseqüències derived from exposure to psychosocial risks.
- Prevention: primary, secondary and tertiary prevention measures.
- Psychosocial risks in the organization.
- Psychosocial risks in the working person.
Riscos de l’aparell fonador:
- Elements causals and prevention measures.
Module 1: Emergencies and first aid
Module 2: Personal protective equipment PPE
Module 3: Introduction and basic legislation on health and safety
Module 4: General risks and prevention and protection measures
Module 5: Signaling
Module 6: Specific Risks Art. Teachers/Trainers
Specific training questionnaire preventive measures
According to articles 18 and 19 of Law 31/95 on the Prevention of Occupational Risks
Regulatory framework:
Rights and obligations established in the Occupational Risk Prevention Law
Rights and obligations of employers and workers
Early preventive action
Prevention management:
External and internal organs
Work and health:
Professional injuries: Work accidents and occupational disease
Fighting techniques in prevention:
Occupational safety, Industrial hygiene, ergonomics, applied psychosociology and health surveillance
Specific risks and preventive measures of the workplace, (contemplated in the Risk Assessment and preventive planning)
Health and safety in the office
Evaluation Health and safety in the office
Health and safety in the office